It is an incontrovertible fact that children play a pre-eminent role in overall success and development of a specific country. Children’s Day or Bal Divas is celebrated every year on November 14th with great zeal and enthuasiam in maximum regions of India. The prime objective behind celebrating this day is to pay tribute to first Prime Minister Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru on his birthday and make individuals aware about education and rights of children. On this day, educational institutions such as schools and colleges organize various events and students participate in these. Copious organizations also celebrate this day with full fervour.
WebAcer Software celebrates every occasion, auspicious day and festival with ardour and avidity. On this special day, every employee was dressed up like kids. Some were looking like school going children and others were like college going students. For short span of time, employees got an opportunity to spend time together, enjoy and know interests of each other. Roses were Chacha Nehru’s favorites and therefore roses and chocolates were distributed among employees. We believe that occurrence of such celebrations enhance mutual bonding among employees and creates a positive environment for work. On this special day, all employees took an oath to uplift rights of children and promote their well-being whenever they will get an opportunity in prospective years.